Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme


The Government has launched a new scheme aimed at increasing access to full fibre broadband networks across the UK. Full fibre broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available, and the government is committed to a vision of a full fibre Britain.

As part of this commitment, the Government is investing £67million for the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme from March 2018 hoping to encourage suppliers to invest in gigabit-capable services.

The scheme is aimed at businesses but also available to residents together in a group with businesses if businesses are the main beneficiary.
Through the scheme businesses and residents, can approach suppliers who can apply for micro-grants in the form of vouchers on their behalf to support the cost of deploying new gigabit-capable connectivity.

One gigabit is the same as 1,000 megabits – so it’s a big leap forward in connection speeds that could benefit you and your business into the future.

Are you eligible?

Gigabit vouchers can be used by small and medium-sized businesses and the local communities surrounding them to contribute to the installation cost of a gigabit capable connection.
Businesses can claim up to £3,000 against the cost of connection either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can benefit from the scheme as part of a group project which also includes businesses, and can claim for a voucher of £500.

For full details about whether you are eligible for a voucher and to connect you to a full fibre broadband supplier, visit the following pages:
• Eligibility criteria for businesses
• Eligibility criteria for residents

How it works

There is a six-step process to accessing a gigabit connection through this voucher scheme. Businesses or residents that are eligible for gigabit vouchers must contact a supplier and they will apply for a voucher on your behalf.

How businesses can get involved:
The scheme is supplier-led, so if you are interested in receiving a voucher and there are no registered suppliers in your area you can approach a supplier and encourage them to register for the scheme. The scheme is open to registration for both national and regional suppliers.

You can boost your voucher value by joining together with other businesses and residential customers. Once you have a group of other users in your area your supplier may be able to pool your vouchers together to subsidise the cost of installing a connection.

If you are a business, find a supplier in your area.

How residents can get involved:
If there are businesses and other residents in your area who want to install a gigabit capable connection you may be able to benefit from a voucher worth up to £500 as part of a group project led by a supplier.

You can approach a supplier in your area to see if there are any group projects you may be able to join. If there are no projects in your area, you may be able to join up with other residents and local businesses and approach a supplier directly.

If you are a resident, find a supplier in your area.

For more information on how it works:


The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme is supplier-led. This means suppliers will be requesting the voucher on behalf of their customers. The value of the voucher will contribute to the build cost of installing a full fibre connection at the customer’s premises. Some suppliers already involved in the scheme have found that aggregating their customers has allowed them to increase their fibre footprint in areas they were previously unable to go.

For more information about supplier involvement in the scheme, or if you are a supplier interested in registering for the scheme, visit:

To find out more about the Gigabit Voucher Scheme, visit: